Preschool Classes
Preschool Classes - Part & Full-time
Every child grows and develops at a different rate. To accommodate this, Kid Kountry has three separate preschool classes: The Toddler room ages 12 months -3 (not yet potty trained), The Preschoolers ages 3-4 and the Pre-K 4-5 class. Each class will stimulate your child's intellectual, social and emotional development. Kid Kountry plans for each class by having an even balance between flexible and spontaneous curriculum and teacher directed lessons. Children are active explorers, eager to try new things and use materials in different ways. Children's language will continue to grow in a curriculum of field trips, science activities, music appreciation, art, culinary experiences, free play, fine and gross motor activities.
This project is funded in whole or in part under a Contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.
The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department.